Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Another summer, another awesome to do list.

I am finally starting to feel human again! With the help of oils, teas, meditation, yoga, friends, my family, and drugs, I am starting to feel better and hopefully leaving the debilitating cloud of anxiety and depression behind me. So to celebrate and keep my eyes on the exciting future ahead, I am making another super awesome summer fun to do list.

1) Jump off a dock
2) Skinny dip
3) Do the colour run
4) Rub my sisters pregnant belly
5) Make a fort
6) Have a movie day
7) Have a family dinner in Edmonton (Judy, Brian, Carol, Ken, Abby, Jenny and Francis...this means you!)
8) Drink a Dr. Pepper Slurpee
9) Make a dress
10) Have a sewing day with the boys
11) Sleep in!!
12) Finish my backyard sign
13) Have a beach day
14) Watch the sunrise
15) Throw a BBQ
16) Build a Lego mansion
17) Write a kids book with the boys
18) Go camping
19) Catch a fish
20) Eat crab
21) Have a girls only camping weekend!
22) Get a massage
23) Bike ride 25km
24) Roast marshmallows
25) Dance in the rain
26) Find the perfect couch!
27) Finish my front outdoor patio
28) Build a sand castle
29) Go to beach I have never been before
30) Have a girls spa day at home
31) Canning! I see peaches, salsa and apple sauce in my future
32) Pick veggies from my garden
33) Paint my nails
34) Lay on a hammock and get lost in a book
35) Cook something totally new
36) Have a family bike ride to the store for ice cream (should probably do this a few times)
37) Share meals with friends...LOTS!
38) Relax
39) Go boating
40) Find my strengths again.... or find new ones.

Wish me luck!

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