Tuesday, 30 October 2012

clean houses are for pansies

I am not superwoman! And I think that's ok. :) Sometimes it really gets to me that my kitchen isn't really clean, or that I can't see my bedroom floor because there is a thick layer of dirty clothes covering it. But the more i go through life as a busy mom, wife, writer, business owner, event planner, LEGO builder, fitness coach, and emotionally unhinged artist, the more I realize that my house may never be clean.

There was a time when I thought it would be a good idea to schedule chores. For example, Monday would be laundry day. Finally I wouldn't feel like I was constantly doing laundry! Well that idea was shot right out of the water after my kids went outside on a Wednesday! And cleaning the bathroom on Thursdays...I have two small boys. Need I say more. Even trying to keep the kitchen cleaned after dinner is a huge undertaking. After I spend the day running after kids, catering to the world, baking cupcakes, and skipping meals, my evening would usually end in a food coma. (I tend to make up for not eating all day, at dinner time) Plus there is bath time, more running, story time, then finally bed time.

They say you have to find a balance....I am finding that hard to do! What do "they" even mean by balance? hahahah I like to think that a clean house means a boring life. I saw a sign once that read "Don't mind the mess, the kids are making memories" I don't want to find a balance because that just means I will have to give up something fun and awesome that I'm doing, just to clean the house. My house is messy because I have BETTER THINGS TO DO! That should be a sign posted at my front door. More to serve as a warning, but I like it!

So for the record, a messy house is not ideal to me. And yes, it bothers me when people come over and fluff the crumbs off my kitchen table, or pick the unfolded clothes off the couch before they can sit down. But that's my life. If you don't like, don't come over.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Break on through

This past week I hit a wall.  It seemed like my whole life was a mess. I stayed in my jammies all day, (even when I went to pick up my little one from preschool!), last night I ate an entire bag of chips WITH dip, I hadn't done a workout in 5 days, and my personal hygiene took a real hit too. I think it was day five before I finally broke down and washed my hair.  I don't even know how it got to this point.  How do you go from calling the shots to calling the pizza place for take-out because it's 6pm and you haven't even thought about getting off the couch, never mind what you are going to make for dinner.  It doesn't even phase you that there are two hungry toddlers and a husband at your feet. All you can think about it that there is a new episode of Bones on later and there are at least three cookies left on the counter! Call it the winter weather blues, hormones. or just plain life, whatever it was, thankfully it's gone!

When I finally did a workout today, I somehow found the inner strength to push through the hell of a 30 second plank and finish it. I OWNED that plank! I hardly had the strength to crawl to the next station, but I did! I don't know where it came from, or how I went from a junk food eating couch potato to superwoman. But I will take it. I pushed that way through my entire workout. And when it was done, I walked right past the cookie I had left on the counter. I am really starting to realise that I have come so far. Why am I working so hard to waste it on a bad diet? Yes there will always be hiccups. The point is, I need to move past them.  I WILL become that fit woman you see on the cover of Fitness magazine, and I WILL show off my ass in a little black dress!

I guess my lesson for this one, is to know that no matter what is going on in your life, there is another side. You will somehow find the backbone to put your big girl panties on and break on through!

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Thank you to my sister

Well hello world! This is my very first blog post. So although it may be witty and amazing, there may be some parts that are just sketchy.  And let me just say, I find it funny that the word "blog" on my blog post, shows up as being spelled incorrectly. :)

I owe my sister full credit for what I write tonight, as for most things I have done. If it wasn't for her, I think I would be sitting in bed watching M*A*S*H reruns with my husband.  She is my inspiration and I miss her all the time!! She's not dead or anything (thank god!) she just lives too far away. I was listening to a song from the Lumineers and it instantly brought me back to her warm, comforting living room. What i wouldn't give to be there with her now, laughing at her silly dog, drinking wine, solving the worlds problems.

I have always been a writer. Mostly post-its and love notes really. :) But today, I am taking that risk. I'm going out on a limb, putting myself out there.  My sister once told me "If it scares you, do it!" For the past three years, that has been my motto. My life has changed! If I look back to three years ago, I remember the exact moment that I knew something had to change... I was sitting on the couch looking at my clean house, dishes were done, kids were playing, I was even dressed and showered and I had nothing to do. I couldn't wait for my husband to come home from work at 5pm. It was 9:15am. I remember thinking, this can't be what it's all about!  I went from a busy life of a hardworking business owner, to bored mother of two. That's when I decided to take my sisters advice. And if you would have told me then that I was going to start a gym, become a confident 30 year old, or dance in a burlesque show, I would have told you to f@ck off.

So I guess my lesson for the day is to remember the people who got you where you are and thank them. Really let them know what they mean to you. Seriously, pick up the phone right now and call them.