Tuesday 30 June 2015

Take a little time to relax.

    Over the past few months I have been making sure that I take the time to take care of myself, work less and really enjoy life. I am finding that its not always easy to do. Sometimes its just too easy to say "I will meditate tomorrow." Then tomorrow turns into next week and you find yourself wearing thin because you are no longer taking good care of yourself. This can especially be true in the summer time with BBQ's, birthdays, family dinners, and two busy little boys at home who often turn your living room into a wrestling ring. So today, without even a thought or a plan, I decided that we were all going to take some time out to relax. I jumped out of bed, packed a cooler full of fruit and snacks, and we headed to the beach without even having breakfast. I brought a book with every intention of reading while the kids played. And that I did. It was truly glorious. I felt so grateful in the moments after arriving. The air was warm and carried the fresh ocean breeze across my body as I sat with my toes in the cool sand. I read my book for almost two hours as the kids played in the sand and searched for crabs. I snacked on strawberries and felt the hot sun on my face. We ended the morning with a family swim in the cool ocean water and left at the perfect time, before the kids got too tired and sunburnt. It set the tone for the rest of the day. I could tell that the kids also felt the gratitude I was experiencing. We spent the rest of the day with happy smiles on our faces. I forgot how amazing it was to spend time like that. So carefree, no schedule, no plans, just fun.

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