Monday 29 June 2015

Why I chose to medicate.

     Not that I feel like I owe anyone an explanation on this area of my life, but I am really tired of defending my choices. After a year of struggling with depression and anxiety, I made the decision to medicate. That was a month and a half ago and since then, my life has changed dramatically. I no longer sit in front of the tv and stare at nothing, I actually clean the kitchen counters, and I am starting to care about my body again. I can genuinely laugh when my kids are being silly, I can leave my house and go to a friends BBQ without sweating and picking at my nails, and I am even brushing my hair again. I did not know how bad things had gotten until I started to feel better. I have also been talking to friends about what I have been going through. Most people I talk to are very supportive and commend me for taking the huge step towards self care and a better life. There are some people who should just keep their mouth shut. It really bothers me when people say things like this:
"You should just stop thinking negative thoughts."
                                    "I was told that exercising twenty minutes a day is just as good as medication."
                 "Just be happy for what you have."
"Cut the negative people out of your life."
                                                                        "Just eat better and take care of yourself."
                 "Try yoga."                           
                                                              "Medication doesn't really do anything."
   "If you are medicated, you aren't really dealing with the real problem."
"I don't understand depression, just get over it."
      Until you have lived through it, you have no idea. Depression can hit anyone, any race, any sex at any moment in their life. Some don't even know what they are going through until they are so far down the rabbit hole they have no way of getting back. For me, I had tried all of the things you are supposed to try and I was just too tired to keep going. I was literally too tired to think a happy thought. Medication gave me the break in my head to have the ability to sleep, clear my head and be in control. Now I have the time and brain space to heal my wounds, process what I have gone through and become a better, stronger person. So if someone you know if suffering with depression or is on medication, please be careful with what you say unless you truly know what they are dealing with. Instead of offering your two cents, a simple hug will do.

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