Wednesday 4 January 2017


     I am not a huge fan of New Years Resolutions and here is why: First of all, it gives people the idea that they need to change. Like for some reason the super cool version of themselves is not good enough. Second, they tend you make you feel like shit when you fail. 85% of people usually quit within two months. (fact)
     I am not here to encourage you to make those New Years resolutions. I am talking about a New Years REVOLUTION! Let's throw out the idea that we need to be someone we are not and start being the best YOU that you can be. Don't do it to be thin like the pretty girls on tv, and don't do it because you think you have to. Start your own revolution to find out how strong you can be.
     I believe in body positive fitness. Its probably nothing like you have every experienced. Kind of awesome even. Here is how the Booty Camp Girls are different:
1) I will never weigh you. You are not cattle and the number on the scale means absolutely nothing to you or me.
2) I will help you reach your goals in and out of the gym.
3) I will help you to see how awesome and beautiful your body is, right now. You will learn to love your body, because every body is beautiful.
4) I won't measure success in pounds.
5) I believe that everyone should have access to body loving fitness, so if you can't afford it, lets work something out.
6) I will never encourage you to diet.
    Some of this may seem strange to you, but I promise you that I will make you stronger than ever. Give it a try for free. One by one, lets change the world.

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