Sunday 23 June 2013

My dad once told me to write what I know. I know romance. I also know what is not romance. I would like to share with you, some not so romantic gestures. This blog is specifically for men, to teach them what not to do. Rules of romance if you will.

#1) Do not buy any of the following for her birthday or anniversary: power tools, kitchen appliances, weed eaters, chainsaws, car parts, boat motors and/or accessories, or BBQ's. Even if she wants one and you do buy one of these items, it's a good idea to buy something else to go with it, like chocolate or jewelry.

#2) Watching porn is not foreplay. Neither is "Hey, you wanna do it?" Let me put this into terms you can understand. Women are like a diesel engine, you need to warm her up and get her going before you even think about taking her for a spin. But once you do that, she will perform like no other.

#3) Buying flowers are best when they are unexpected. You want more points, bring home a chocolate bar too. And not just a regular one, bring home the fancy stuff.

#4) Opening her car door IS romantic, especially if you have been married for more than six months.

#5) If a woman plans a date night, go with it! Do not complain about ANYTHING.

#6) Saying a woman looks great in her new dress, without her having to ask, will get you lucky.

#7) When a woman is standing in front of you in her underwear, looking right at you, there is a 98% chance that she wants to get lucky. DO tell her she looks beautiful. DO NOT continue reading your book/checking your e-mail, or say you are too tired.

#8) When a woman says she is too tired too cook dinner, either help her cook something or take her out! There is a reason she is telling you that she is too tired.

#9) If you are arguing about something, the best thing to do is stop, realize you won't win, and apologize. If she is still mad the next day, bring her some chocolate.

#10) Doing the dishes, folding laundry, cooking, vacuuming, making the bed, and cleaning the bathroom are all things that you can do to better your chances of getting laid!

I hope this was helpful. :)

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