Thursday 18 April 2013

I need answers!

In an effort to get a jump start on my Super Awesome Summer to do list, I decided to clean out my kitchen cupboards. Not the most exciting thing on the list, but I figured I should get the boring crap out of the way.

Can someone please explain to me why one might own 3 different types of measuring cups, or 11 large to medium mixing bowls?! I also cleared out a number of extra serving dishes, baking pans, cookbooks, several random utensils, place mats, 4 popcorn bowls and a blender. (apparently I had two) It really got me thinking....why do we have so much stuff?? Where does this need come from? It seems I'm not the only one either. Most of us have an abundance of "stuff". And it doesn't stop in my kitchen! You should see my closet, the kids rooms, the bathroom. Don't even get me started on the craft room! Sometimes I feel like getting rid of everything and living a totally minimalist lifestyle, but my husband would never go for it! If you have ever seen an episode of "Hoarders", you would understand. Him and his mom both, are a few egg cartons away from being on the show.  And does anyone else have that special little corner filled the things that were given as a gift, but you either have no use for it or just don't like it? I have this weird guilt about getting rid of things that were gifts. Like as if one day the gift givers are going to come over and say, "Hey, remember that sweater I gave you two years ago, do you still have it? I would love to see it on you."

And while we are on the subject of unanswered questions, can someone please explain to my why it takes a 4 year old girl one hour to eat a rice cracker?! I have had the pleasure of babysitting my friends 4 year old daughter while she took off to Vegas with her hubby.  I have two little boys, and let me tell you, they are NOT the same! Yes, my boys are crazy. And yes, they will jump off the top of the slide at the pool. But never in a million years would they sit in front of me for a half hour asking a hundred questions about what I am doing, why I am doing it, or "where do cows come from?" Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying doing her hair, and playing dress up, but it made me really appreciate my little men, and all the craziness they bring to my life.

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