Wednesday 1 May 2013

It's all about the journey

One year ago, I set out to lose 30lbs. That was my goal, and I was determined to accomplish it. I grabbed a friend of mine and we began working out. It started by us going to the gym together a couple days a week, then gradually increased. We decided that if we wanted drastic results, we needed to do drastic things. One day I planned a mini boot camp for us to do. She cursed me the entire time and we hardly made it through the workout. That was the beginning of one of the most amazing things that have every happened in my life.

Although I am not even close to my goal, I am realizing more and more that it's not reaching the goal that matters, it's the journey.  From that one boot camp, we decided to do it twice a week. Tuesday and Thursday was our night to shine. It didn't take long for friends to notice that we were losing weight and wondered what it was we were up to. Before long, our group of two turned into a group of fifteen. These amazing women have given me more than they will ever know.  I feel like we have a connection that no one can break. Each of them will hold a special place in my heart. We were almost are in the same boat, struggling to fit in to our jeans, unhappy with our self image, shy, and unhealthy. Over the past year we have been able to give each other confidence, support and love, not to mention, we ARE BRINGING SEXY BACK, BITCHES! These women have given me confidence that is unmeasurable. They made it possible for me to live out my bucket list fantasy and dance in a burlesque show, they made it possible for me to buy a small sized dress...and wear it! I have made new friends, life long friends, and we continue to create bonds together. I went from having a few close friends, to a team of women who have got my back! We are a force to be reckoned with!

Yes, goals are important. For me, a life without goals doesn't even make sense. But the journey you take to reach your goals is far more important. So instead of getting caught up in "getting to the finish line", take a minute and realize the amazing things you are doing right now, celebrate the small victories and thank the people along the way who help you get there.

Endless thank yous go out to my Booty Camp Girls. Can't imagine life without you.

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