Wednesday 13 November 2013

A mothers frustration

When I decided to have kids, I didn't really think about it. I didn't think about loosing out on all that sleep, or how my body would be forever changed, or how my brain would be re-wired. All of these things were a rude awakening for me. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for every dead-tired, loud and messy moment. My kids are a beautifully perfect version of my husband and I.  I have had to learn to be a better person, to have more patience, and know that it's not about me any more. There are a lot of things that are different. But I think the hardest reality for me (and most mom's out there) is most people's expectation that they have carte blanche when it comes to giving you advise on how to raise your kids.

I am not perfect, and I will be the first one to tell you that. I struggle with life in general all the time. I hate it when I yell at my kids. But we all do it. I feel enough guilt for ten people, you don't need to add to it, thanks. I try hard to make the right choices for my family, and they are MY choices. Whether they are right or wrong, they are the choices that I have to live with. I am so tired of women judging other women, especially mom's. Mom's have the hardest job on the planet. We carry the weight of the world, we have bad days. Get over it! I am tired to people telling me how I should act, how I should discipline my child, how I should not let my kids have fun.

I understand that some people will see me at my worst moment and be compelled to judge me. But that is one moment. One moment out of the millions I will spend with my family. So if you feel so bothered my actions as a mother, keep it to yourself. And know this; I love my boys more than life itself. They mean the world to me. I am so thankful for their twenty little toes, their amazing personalities and their love. I am their guardian and protector. So next time you see a woman yelling at her kids to get in the car, or talking to them in a tone that doesn't agree with you, remember this: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."

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