Thursday 28 November 2013

Apple Inc. makes me angry.

You want to know what I wish for this Christmas? I wish for quality, people to actually care about the products they make and sell, a world where you can buy something and it stand the test of time. Is that too much to ask?

This time last year, I bought an iPhone. Yes, I foolishly jumped on the bandwagon, paid my $650 and was on my way. With my two year cell contract I knew this new phone, the one that everyone is talking about, will last at least that long. People were talking about this phone like it was the best thing since sliced bread... and it was. I was able to download apps that helped me with meal plans and my kids could play games. (thus keeping them out of my hair) I could go out for dinner with friends, post the pictures of us being silly, check my e-mail, get business orders, and get the crazy call from my husband who couldn't find Austin's blankie... all at the same time. This is why I bought it. The simplicity of being able to rent a movie on the way home, and figure out what workout plan I would be doing that night from the push of a button. I bought into the idea that the iPhone was all I ever needed. All I could possibly want in life.

Let's fast forward to today. Did you know that in the last quarter, Apple Inc. sold 33.8 million iPhones. Let that sink in for a minute. Their net profit was $7.5 billion.... BILLION.

So here is little old me, a small town business owner, a mother, and a wife. A few weeks ago my glorious iPhone stopped working properly. In fact, the WIFI stopped working all together. The whole reason for the iPhone even existing in my books. I took it into the store where I got it from and they advised me that it was simply an operating system issue. Silly me didn't have the time to download the new software, and my finicky iPhone did not like that. So I went on my way. I didn't end up getting to it for over a week. Keep in mind, I have two small children, a business to run, a charity event for 200 people to pull off, and non-profit workout boot camp to run and ya know, showering and stuff. When I finally got to it, it turns out my WIFI still does not work. I took it in again. This time, I am told that it's not a software problem, "Your phone is toast." Um, OK... now what? Turns out I have to send it in to Apple for a replacement phone. And since your warranty expired a few days ago, it will cost you $199. <Insert minor freak out here!> There was nothing they could do for me.

Today I called Apple Inc. Surely they would be able to help me resolve this ridiculous issue. With me just starting a business, my husband just getting back to work after being off work for three months, and Christmas coming up, I just don't have $199 laying around. So I called then with the hope that they would be able to fix my beloved iPhone or at least give me a break on the $199.

First off, a company that has a quarterly net profit of $7.5 billion, should be able to hire a person who can clearly understand English. I am not a racist person, but I literally had to spell out everything, and say everything twice. It was painful for me to have to spell my name three times, then hear him try and say it....Rachel. Easy. I spent one hour on the phone with this man, trying to explain my situation. He finally had to get the manager on the phone. After explaining again to him, he said "Oh, no that's not good." I asked him if there was anything he could do and his response was, "You really should have gotten the extended warranty." Are you kidding me?! You can't sell a product that will last for more than one year?! I paid $650 for this phone. That's a mortgage payment! And now you want me to spend another $199 to get it to work? (Why don't you bend me over and spank my ass while you are at it!) You probably want to sell me the "extended warranty" too I bet. I'm sure this new phone/refurbished phone does not come with a warranty. I proceeded to tell this man that I could not afford that, and I am so upset by this outcome that I will never be buying another Apple product. I will not buy my two kids iPhones or iPads, I will no longer be spending money on Apps, or iTunes songs, movie rentals or eBooks, and my husband will sure as hell no be buying an iPhone. And when my business grows and I need to expand, I will not be buying Apple computers. And I sure as hell won't be telling my friends to buy into the iPhone ideal. I understand that times are tough, and $7.5 billion in sales (for the past QUARTER) is not that much. I also understand that losing me as a customer is not that big of a deal. The money I would have spent over my lifetime as an Apple customer is just a drop in the bucket. But I am sure I am not the only customer who feels violated by this company.

I know things are not going to change overnight. But I have hope that one day, people will care about the products they sell, and the customers they have. Cheers Apple, Happy F-ing Holidays!  

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